Grevensteiner Original

It figures that for 4th of July, I didn’t have an American beer in the queue.

ABV: 5.2%

Style: Keller Bier/Zwickel Bier

Trivia: According to the brewery website, “A beer made out of tradition. Back to the roots: The brewery C. & A. Veltins revives its venerable knowledge in the craft of beer brewing with its new beer brand Grevensteiner Original – Inspired by the traditional brewing of the twins Carl and Anton Veltins during the beginning of the last century. The beer shines palely amber coloured with orange reflections from inside the mug with the family brewerys’ more than 100 year old lettering style as an ornament. The brewery C. & A. Veltins has been associated with the historical and bulbous Steinie bottle for decades. That is why the traditional Steinie bottle, the historically appearing label, as well as the sealing on the crown cork brings the history and long tradition to life in a modern product.”

Random: This beer also comes in traditional stubby bottles.

The brew poured with a huge, four finger, fluffy white head that was the consistency of whipped egg whites. It went away quickly, but still left a lot of lacing on the glass. The body was mostly clear and a dusky orange color. The nose started with some caramel malt, but quickly went into a fruity note of green apple. It had a bready aspect as well. The taste was much of the same. I picked up the same caramel note that transitioned into bread, along with green apple. It also had a slightly off-putting dusty characteristic to it. The body was light with a lot of carbonation. The finish was quick and slightly sweet. This beer was $1.50 for the pounder can, which broke down to $.09 per ounce. I finished the beer, but it didn’t impress me much.

Untappd Rating: 2.5/5.0