Samuel Adams/Weihenstephan Infinium Ale

I’ve been waiting to try this beer for a while. I knew once I picked it up, I had to wait for Chris to try it. I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about the brew. It seems like there is no real gray area with it. People either love it or hate it. One commonality that I’ve seen across the board is that no one is a fan of the price tag as this bad boy runs about $20 a bottle.

ABV: 10.3%

Style: Biere de Champagne/Biere Brut

Trivia: According to the Sam Adams website, “Our brewers worked for two years with the world’s oldest brewery, Germany’s Weihenstephan, to create this unique new beer style. A groundbreaking brew, made with only the four traditional ingredients: malted barley, hops, water and yeast, Infinium™ is a crisp champagne-like beer with fine bubbles and a fruity, spicy aroma. The crisp clean malt character and delicate fruit notes in this beer are complemented by a slight citrus flavor from dry hopping with Bavarian Noble hops. Bottle conditioning adds another layer of complexity and light spice notes.”

Random: I’ve only had one other beer of this style, and I was really, really not a fan. Hopefully this one will be better.

This brew pours with a crazy amount of white, fluffy head. I have to wait a few minutes to pour a little more into each champagne flute. The body is an orange-straw color with lots of active carbonation, just like a champagne. The nose has some booze and a weird astringent smell with a hint of grainy sweetness. The first thing that hits me on the taste is the prickly carbonation and then some other flavors that really remind me of champagne. But, then the weirdness hits. I get some metallic flavors and some perfume and floral hints. According to Chris, the beer reminds her of if you take a glass and wash it out with hand soap, but don’t wash it out completely and then let Tylenol dissolve in your mouth and drink the beer. I was with her up until the Tylenol. Anyways, I also get a bit of hops, but not much. I really can’t figure out if I like this beer or not. The finish is very metallic, but thankfully it doesn’t linger. For $20 a bottle, it’s not fantastic.

Untappd Rating: 2.0/5.0

Deus (Brut des Flandres)

So, it’s my birthday. There’s no real celebration until next week. Well, unless you count opening a bottle of Deus. I found this at Total Wine in Union. So, I’m ready to break out the flutes and try this bad boy.

ABV: 11.5%

Style: Biere de Champagne

Trivia: Deus is Latin for “god,” or “deity.” This beer also has its own wikipedia page which says: “During the brewing process, it is fermented over a month with two yeasts, re-fermented near Épernay in Champagne, France and then bottled, after which it is left in a cellar for 9 months and rotated for a week, and then the yeast removed.”

Random: This is a brew that seems like it will appeal to my wine loving side. Although, I think it’s weird to drink it out of a flute.

This brew pours just like champagne. It has a one finger white head that dissipates quickly with no lacing. The body is a clear, golden color. On the nose, I get a bubbly sweetness, with a little honey mixed into it. Also, some sour fruits on the nose as well. The taste is weird. Perhaps because I expect it to taste like champagne. It’s not really sweet. There is some serious carbonation on it and I get hints of booze and honey. I’m not sure how I feel about the brew. The finish is quick and unremarkable. Nicole looks up an article and someone says that is “champagne made with grain instead of grapes.” That is the perfect description for this. Once your brain decides that it’s okay that it’s not sweet, it’s okay, not great mind you, but okay. So, second impression. The high carbonation takes the front seat, as does the booze. I also get some green apple on the taste. This is one of the most unusual beers that I’ve ever had. But, this beer is pricey at $40. It’s obviously not something that you could drink everyday, nor would you want to. But, I think this is overhyped beer. After two flutes worth, I’m disappointed. I was hoping for a beer that would floor me. Instead, it’s just a mediocre beer that would put me on the floor. Avoid buying a bottle due to the price tag, worth a taste if you can get it, just because it’s so unique. But, this beer was a major disappointment.

Untappd Rating: 2.0/5.0