Sierra Nevada Hoptimum (2013)

Oh Hoptimum, how I love thee. You are one of the few beers that I’ve tried that I make a concerted effort to find and review year after year. How I love your resiny sticky goodness coupled with your lack of booze warmth. So, while walking down the aisle of a smaller beer store that I frequent, I found four cases of Hoptimum hiding behind another display, untouched. Odd, perhaps no one knows they’re here…so I helped myself to a four pack. Let’s see how this year’s version fared.

ABV: 10.4%

Style: American Double/Imperial IPA

Trivia: According to the brewery website, “Hoptimum is a hurricane of whole-cone hop flavor. Hopped, dry hopped and torpedoed for incredible hop flavor and complexity, Hoptimum is the pinnacle of whole-cone hoppiness and the biggest Imperial IPA we have ever produced. It features resinous hop varieties: Magnum, Chinook, Simcoe and a new experimental hop variety exclusive to Sierra Nevada. With intense hop flavors and aromas of grapefruit rind, pine, herbs and tropical fruit, Hoptimum is an aggressive drinking experience. Originally created as part of our Beer Camp program, Hoptimum throws down the gauntlet to all other IPAs.”

Random: The Phils best beat the Marlins tonight. This season has just been pathetic.
This brew poured with a finger of thick head that was cream-colored. It dissipated slowly and left generous lacing on the glass. The body was a clear dark amber color with light to medium carbonation visible. The nose was big: sticky, resiny hops. A touch of caramel sweetness came through, but the hops were the star in the nose (as they should be). The taste started with piney hops, lots of resin and caramel malt. The malt was more prevalent that I recall it being in past years, but nothing overwhelming. Citrus flavors, specifically grapefruit pith came through as well. There was a slight booze warmth on the end of the sip. The body was pretty thick and had moderate carbonation. It had a lengthy finish with pine sap. As to be expected, this beer was just outstanding, as it is every year. If you haven’t tried it yet, get your hands on it. You won’t be sorry.

Untappd Rating: 4.0/5.0

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